Live Before You Die EXPERIENCE KIT
NOW (for the FIRST TIME) the complete Live Before You Die EXPERIENCE KIT from Daniel Kolenda is available to purchase! Live Before You Die is a 2-Part video series that includes twenty-three 30 minute episodes and weekly and daily study guides for group or personal use. This set has all media on DVDs, a USB drive and a key to downloadable/streamable digital files for your convenience.
This complete collection of practical teachings and illustrative episodes will empower and equip you with the strategies you need to keep you in-step and on-course to EXPERIENCE ALL that God has for you.
GET READY to embark on an expedition that will take you around the world, through history, deep into the scriptures, and Daniel Kolenda’s personal experiences . . . as you discover the keys for unlocking your destiny and purpose.
Regardless of where your journey takes you in life -- to the mission field or medical school -- whether you become a construction worker, stay-at-home mom, businessperson, teacher, or pastor -- YOU can EXPERIENCE the wonder of God’s will and live the adventure He has designed for YOU and your life.
This is where our journey begins – understanding why we were created.
Gain biblical understanding of our eternal purpose in Christ.
What if I’ve Already Missed the Will of God?
Discover how restoration works and how to find a fresh start.
What if God Calls Me to Do Something I Don’t Want to Do?
Explore a life-changing principle – The Grace Comes with the Gift.
The Kingdom Comes First
Discover the meaning and significance of one of the most important principles for fulfilling God’s will.
Daniel Kolenda identifies five foundational characteristics of God’s will.

EvangelistDaniel Kolenda
“You want to follow to God’s will--but sometimes knowing what that is seems hard to figure out. Here at last is a straightforward approach to being able to recognize God’s will in your life, to know with more certainty the good things He has for you, what he wants you to do and how you can live your life with more purpose, joy, significance and blessing."